Friday, 13 November 2009

Some fixes and upgrades

Hi guys,

I've made a couple of fixes to the website as you might have noticed that and some other online video portals were broken which have been fixed now and more portals have been added which are:

# Google
# Evisor TV
# Sevenload
# Vimeo
# Spiegel
# Clipfish
# Golem
# Funnyhub
# Myubo
# Cctv

Besides that I've added "aiff" audio conversions also I noticed that some document conversions were broken I've made some changes in the conversion engine so hopefully they also should have been fixed.

If you guys want me to add more formats then please let me know I'll try to add them and I would like to hear from you that how can I make FreeFileConvert better and what else do you expect from it.

Also I'll appreciate your generous donations if you think that FreeFileConvert.Com has helped you then please donate something.
